3rdstage's Wiki
Line 1,086: Line 1,086:
| '''<tt>beans</tt>''' || style='white-space:nowrap' | <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans</tt>
| '''<tt>beans</tt>''' || style='white-space:nowrap' | <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans</tt>
| Defines the elements to define beans.
| Defines the elements to define beans.
| [https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/v4.2.4.RELEASE/spring-beans/src/main/resources/org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/spring-beans-4.0.xsd <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.0.xsd</tt>]
| [https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/v4.2.4.RELEASE/spring-beans/src/main/resources/org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/spring-beans-4.0.xsd <tt>spring-beans-4.0.xsd</tt>]
| '''<tt>context</tt>''' || style='white-space:nowrap' | <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/context</tt>
| '''<tt>context</tt>''' || style='white-space:nowrap' | <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/context</tt>
| Defines the configuration elements for the Spring Framework's application.
| Defines the configuration elements for the Spring Framework's application.
| [https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/tree/master/spring-context/src/main/resources/org/springframework/context/config <tt>org.springframework.context.config</tt>]
| [https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/tree/master/spring-context/src/main/resources/org/springframework/context/config <tt>org.springframework.context.config</tt>]
[https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/v4.2.4.RELEASE/spring-context/src/main/resources/org/springframework/context/config/spring-context-4.0.xsd <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.0.xsd</tt>]
[https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/v4.2.4.RELEASE/spring-context/src/main/resources/org/springframework/context/config/spring-context-4.0.xsd <tt>spring-context-4.0.xsd</tt>]
Line 1,097: Line 1,097:
| Defines the configuration elements for the Spring Framework's AOP support.
| Defines the configuration elements for the Spring Framework's AOP support.
| [https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/tree/master/spring-aop/src/main/resources/org/springframework/aop/config <tt>org.springframework.aop.config</tt>]
| [https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/tree/master/spring-aop/src/main/resources/org/springframework/aop/config <tt>org.springframework.aop.config</tt>]
[https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/v4.2.4.RELEASE/spring-aop/src/main/resources/org/springframework/aop/config/spring-aop-4.0.xsd <tt>http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-4.0.xsd</tt>]
[https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/blob/v4.2.4.RELEASE/spring-aop/src/main/resources/org/springframework/aop/config/spring-aop-4.0.xsd <tt>spring-aop-4.0.xsd</tt>]

Revision as of 02:49, 27 March 2020


Spring Framework




  • Annotation injection is performed before XML injection, thus the latter configuration will override the former for properties wired through both approaches.
  • The @Required annotation simply indicates that the affected bean property must be populated at configuration time, through an explicit property value in a bean definition or through autowiring. The container throws an exception if the affected bean property has not been populated; this allows for eager and explicit failure, avoiding NullPointerExceptions or the like later on. It is still recommended that you put assertions into the bean class itself, for example, into an init method. Doing so enforces those required references and values even when you use the class outside of a container.


Prefix Example Remarks
classpath: classpath:com/myapp/config.xml
file: file:///data/config.xml
http: https://myserver/logo.png
Class/Interface Description Remarks
Resource Interface for a resource descriptor that abstracts from the actual type of underlying resource, such as a file or class path resource.
ClassPathResource Resource implementation for class path resources.
FileSystemResource Resource implementation for java.io.File and java.nio.file.Path handles with a file system target.
ResourceUtils Utility methods for resolving resource locations to files in the file system.


         +----- AbstractApplicationContext
         |           |
         |           +----- AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext
         |                       |
         |                       +----- AbstractRefreshableConfigApplicationContext
         |                                   |
         |                                   +----- AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext
         |                                   |           |
         |                                   |           +----- AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext 
         |                                   |           +----- GroovyWebApplicationContext
         |                                   |           +----- XmlWebApplicationContext
         |                                   |
         |                                   +----- AbstractXmlApplicationContext
         |                                   |           |
         |                                   |           +------- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
         |                                   |           +------- FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
         |                                   |
         |                                   +----- AnnotationConfigReactiveWebApplicationContext
         +----- GenericApplicationContext
                     +----- AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
                     +----- GenericGroovyApplicationContext
                     +----- GenericReactiveWebApplicationContext
                     |           |
                     |           +----- ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext
                     |                       |
                     |                       +----- AnnotationConfigReactiveWebServerApplicationContext 
                     +----- GenericWebApplicationContext
                     |           |
                     |           +----- ServletWebServerApplicationContext
                     |                       |
                     |                       +----- AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext
                     |                       +----- XmlServletWebServerApplicationContext
                     +----- GenericXmlApplicationContext
                     +----- ResourceAdapterApplicationContext
                     +----- StaticApplicationContext
                                 +----- StaticWebApplicationContext


  • Annotation-based Container Configuration
    • @Required, @Autowired, @Inject, @Named
    • Annotation injection is performed before XML injection. Thus, the XML configuration overrides the annotations for properties wired through both approaches.
    • The @Required annotation is formally deprecated as of Spring Framework 5.1, in favor of using constructor injection for required settings.
  • Java-based Container Configuration
    • @Configuration, @Bean, @PropertySource
    • The @Bean annotation is used to indicate that a method instantiates, configures, and initializes a new object to be managed by the Spring IoC container.
    • The @Bean annotation plays the same role as the <bean/> element.
    • Annotating a class with @Configuration indicates that its primary purpose is as a source of bean definitions.


Annotation Package Annotations Remarks
@Configuration o.s.context.annotation Indicates that a class declares one or more @Bean methods and may be processed by the Spring container to generate bean definitions and service requests for those beans at runtime. @Component
@ComponentScan o.s.context.annotation Configures component scanning directives for use with @Configuration classes. <context:component-scan>
@Import o.s.context.annotation Indicates one or more @Configuration classes to import.
@EnableAsync o.s.scheduling.annotation Enables Spring's asynchronous method execution capability. @Async
@EnableScheduling o.s.scheduling.annotation Enables Spring's scheduled task execution capability. @Scheduled
@SpringBootApplication o.s.boot.autoconfigure Indicates a configuration class that declares one or more @Bean methods and also triggers auto-configuration and component scanning @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, @ComponentScan
@EnableAutoConfiguration o.s.boot.autoconfigure Enable auto-configuration of the Spring Application Context, attempting to guess and configure beans that you are likely to need. exclude, excludeName



Item Type Description Remarks
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer class
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer class
PropertiesLoaderSupport.setLocalOverride(boolean localOverride) method
EmbeddedValueResolverAware class
propertyPlaceholder type XML
property-placeholder element XML


  <bean id="registeringIdentificationListener" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingBean"
    depends-on="listenableDetectionService, defaultDetectionListener">
    <property name="targetObject" ref="listenableDetectionService"/>
    <property name="targetMethod" value="addListener"/>
    <property name="arguments" ref="defaultDetectionListener"/>


Class Package Description Remarks
@Bean o.s.context.annotation Indicates that a method produces a bean to be managed by the Spring container. @Configuration
@Component o.s.stereotype Indicates that an annotated class is a "component". Such classes are considered as candidates for auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning. @ComponentScan
@Required o.s.beans.factory.annotation Marks a method (typically a JavaBean setter method) as being 'required': that is, the setter method must be configured to be dependency-injected with a value. Deprecated as of 5.1
@Autowired o.s.beans.factory.annotation Marks a constructor, field, setter method, or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities. JSR-330 @Inject
@Primary o.s.context.annotation Indicates that a bean should be given preference when multiple candidates are qualified to autowire a single-valued dependency.
@Qualifier o.s.beans.factory.annotation This annotation may be used on a field or parameter as a qualifier for candidate beans when autowiring.
@Resource javax.annotation The Resource annotation marks a resource that is needed by the application. @Autowired
@ManagedBean javax.annotation The ManagedBean annotation marks a POJO as a ManagedBean.A ManagedBean supports a small set of basic services such as resource injection, lifecycle callbacks and interceptors. @Component
@Named javax.inject String-based qualifier.
@Inject javax.inject Identifies injectable constructors, methods, and fields. @Autowired
@Conditional o.s.context.annotation Indicates that a component is only eligible for registration when all specified conditions match.
@Profile o.s.context.annotation Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when one or more specified profiles are active.
@ConditionalOnProperty o.s.b.autoconfigure.condition Conditional that checks if the specified properties have a specific value.


Purpose Package Annotations
Denoting the roles of types or methods in the overall architecture o.s.stereotype @Component, @Controller, @Repository, @Service
Bean configuration o.s.beans.factory.annotation @Autowired, @Required, @Value, ...
ApplicationContext support o.s.context.annotation @Bean, @ComponentScan, @Conditional, @Configuration, @Lazy, @Profile, @Scope, ...
Asynchronous method execution o.s.scheduling.annotation @Async, @Scheduled
Binding requests to controllers and handler methods o.s.web.bind.annotation @RestController, @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @PathVariable, @RequestBody, @ResponseBody, ...
Transaction demarcation o.s.transaction.annotation @Transactional, @EnableTransactionManagement
Annotation-driven tests o.s.test.annotation @IfProfileValue, @Repeat, @Rollback, @Timed
MBean exposure o.s.jmx.export.annotation @ManagedResource, @ManagedAttribute, @ManagedOperation
Declaratively configuring field formatting rules o.s.format.annotation @DateTimeFormat, @NumberFormat
Spring Boot's auto-configuration capabilities. o.s.boot.autoconfigure @EnableAutoConfiguration, @SpringBootApplication




Class Description Remarks
@Transactional Describes transaction attributes on a method or class.
@TransactionConfiguration Defines class-level metadata for configuring transactional tests.
@Rollback Indicate whether or not the transaction for the annotated test method should be rolled back after the test method has completed.




Class Description Remarks
TaskExecutor Simple task executor interface that abstracts the execution of a Runnable.
ExecutorServiceAdapter Adapter that takes a Spring TaskExecutor and exposes a full java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService for it.
ConcurrentTaskExecutor Adapter that takes a java.util.concurrent.Executor and exposes a Spring TaskExecutor for it.
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a Spring TaskExecutor.
ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean JavaBean that allows for configuring a ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties) and exposing it as a bean reference of its native ExecutorService type.



Class Description Remarks




Class Package Description Remarks
HttpHeaders javax.ws.rs.core An injectable interface that provides access to HTTP header information.
HttpHeaders o.s.http A data structure representing HTTP request or response headers.
HttpHeaders org.apache.http Constants enumerating the HTTP headers. RFC1945 (HTTP/1.0), RFC2616 (HTTP/1.1), RFC2518 (WebDAV)
MediaType javax.ws.rs.core An abstraction for a media type.
MediaType o.s.http
ContentType org.apache.http.entity Content type information consisting of a MIME type and an optional charset.
HttpEntity<T> o.s.http
RequestEntity<T> o.s.http
ResponseEntity<T> o.s.http
@RequestMapping o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation for mapping web requests onto methods in request-handling classes with flexible method signatures.
@GetMapping o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation for mapping HTTP GET requests onto specific handler methods.
@PostMapping o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation for mapping HTTP POST requests onto specific handler methods.
@PathVariable o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a URI template variable.
@RequestParam o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request parameter.
@RequestHeader o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation which indicates that a method parameter should be bound to a web request header.
@SessionAttribute o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation to bind a method parameter to a session attribute.
@RequestBody o.s.web.bind.annotation Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body of the web request.
CommonsRequestLoggingFilter o.s.web.filter Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the Commons Log.


Class Description Remark
RestTemplate (source) Synchronous client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a simple, template method API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as the JDK HttpURLConnection, Apache HttpComponents, and others.
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to create requests.
SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses standard JDK facilities.
Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory ClientHttpRequestFactory implementation that uses Netty 4 to create requests.
Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write XML using JAXB2.
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter (source) Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write JSON using Jackson 2.x's ObjectMapper.
MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write XML using Jackson 2.x extension component for reading and writing XML encoded data.
MappingJackson2SmileHttpMessageConverter Implementation of HttpMessageConverter that can read and write Smile data format ("binary JSON") using the dedicated Jackson 2.x extension.
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder A builder used to create ObjectMapper instances with a fluent API.

Exception Handling


Class Package Description Remarks
CommonsRequestLoggingFilter o.s.web.filter Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the Commons Log.



  • ManagedResource Annotation is not annoted as Inherited
    • We finally changed @ManagedResource to inherited now. Potential object name collisions need to be dealt with; the general recommendation is to not specify an object name value in @ManagedResource at all when using it on a base class.


Annotation Package Annotations Remarks
@ManagedResource o.s.jmx.export.annotation Class-level annotation that indicates to register instances of a class with a JMX server, corresponding to the ManagedResource attribute.
@ManagedAttribute o.s.jmx.export.annotation Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given bean property as a JMX attribute, corresponding to the ManagedAttribute attribute.
@ManagedOperation o.s.jmx.export.annotation Method-level annotation that indicates to expose a given method as a JMX operation, corresponding to the ManagedOperation attribute.



Class/Interface Description Remarks
JavaMailSender Extended MailSender interface for JavaMail, supporting MIME messages both as direct arguments and through preparation callbacks.
JavaMailSenderImpl (source) Production implementation of the JavaMailSender interface, supporting both JavaMail MimeMessages and Spring SimpleMailMessages. protected void doSend()
SimpleMailMessage Models a simple mail message, including data such as the from, to, cc, subject, and text fields.
MimeMessageHelper Helper class for populating a MimeMessage.
Class/Interface Description Remarks
javax.mail.Session The Session class represents a mail session and is not subclassed. A single default session can be shared by multiple applications on the desktop. Unshared sessions can also be created.
javax.mail.Transport An abstract class that models a message transport.
Field Description Remarks
From The email address, and optionally the name of the author(s)
To The email address(es), and optionally name(s) of the message's recipient(s) Recipients
Cc Carbon copy recipients
Bcc Blind carbon copy recipients
Date The local time and date when the message was written.
Subject A brief summary of the topic of the message.
Content-Type Information about how the message is to be displayed, usually a MIME type
In-Reply-To Message-ID of the message that this is a reply to.
References Message-ID of the message that this is a reply to, and the message-id of the message the previous reply was a reply to, etc.
Reply-To Address that should be used to reply to the message.
Sender Address of the actual sender acting on behalf of the author listed in the From: field


Spring Boot


Spring Boot 2.1

Spring Boot 2.0

Spring Boot 1.5




Class/Interface Description Remarks
WebMvcAutoConfiguration (source) Auto-configuration for Web MVC. localeResolver()
MessageSourceAutoConfiguration (source) Auto-configuration for MessageSource.
Environment Interface representing the environment in which the current application is running.


Error Control

Class Package Description Remarks
BasicErrorController (source) o.s.b.autoconfigure.web
AbstractErrorController (source) o.s.b.autoconfigure.web
DefaultErrorAttributes (source) o.s.b.autoconfigure.web



Spring Test

Class/Package Description Remarks
@ContextConfiguration Defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
MockMvc Main entry point for server-side Spring MVC test support.
SpringExtension integrates the Spring TestContext Framework into JUnit 5's Jupiter programming model.
@SpringJUnitConfig A composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework.

Spring Boot Test

Class/Package Description Remarks
@SpringBootTest Annotation that can be specified on a test class that runs Spring Boot based tests.
enum SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment An enumeration web environment modes DEFINED_PORT, MOCK, NONE, RANDOM_PORT
@WebMvcTest Using this annotation will disable full auto-configuration and instead apply only configuration relevant to MVC tests (@Controller but not @Component, @Service or @Repository @AutoConfigureWebMvc, @AutoConfigureMockMvc
@AutoConfigureMockMvc Annotation that can be applied to a test class to enable and configure auto-configuration of MockMvc.
@MockBean Annotation that can be used to add mocks to a Spring ApplicationContext.


Spring Security


Spring Security 5.1

Spring Security 4.2.2

Spring Security 3.1


Concept Description API Remarks
Principal the abstract notion of a principal, which can be used to represent any entity, such as an individual, a corporation, and a login id java.security.Principal Party
Subject a grouping of related information for a single entity, such as a person, including the Subject's identities as well as its security-related attributes (passwords and cryptographic keys, for example) javax.security.auth.Subject A subject can contain multiple principals and a principal represents the face of a subject.
Authentication authenticated principal o.s.security.core.Authentication interface Authentication extends Principal
GrantedAuthority application-wide permissions granted to a principal o.s.security.core.GrantedAuthority Role


Class Source Description Remarks
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken An Authentication implementation that is designed for simple presentation of a username and password
TestingAuthenticationToken An Authentication implementation that is designed for use whilst unit testing


Session Management



Spring Session


Spring Session 1.3.0

Spring Data

Spring Data JPA

Spring Data Redis

Spring Cloud


XML Schemas

Name Namespace Description Sources
beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans Defines the elements to define beans. spring-beans-4.0.xsd
context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context Defines the configuration elements for the Spring Framework's application. org.springframework.context.config


aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop Defines the configuration elements for the Spring Framework's AOP support. org.springframework.aop.config



Common Spring Boot Application Configuration

# https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.x/reference/html/common-application-properties.html

debug: false
trace: false

  org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure: ERROR

server.port: 8080

      exposure.include: '*'

  allow-bean-definition-overriding: false

spring.application..name: 'My Application'

  ansi.enabled: always  # https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.x/reference/html/boot-features-logging.html#boot-features-logging-color-coded-output

    name: boot
    password: boot

Working of @Transactional annotation according to the processing mode(proxy or aspectj)

Test code outline
  • Annotated method is private : private SearchRequest createAndPersistNewSearchReq()
  • In-call is invoked from testProcess to createAndPersistNewSearchReq()
public class SearchTaskProcessorTest{

  ConfigurableApplicationContext spring;
  private SearchMasterMapper masterMapper;
  private SearchDetailMapper detailMapper;
  private SearchRoiMapper roiMapper;
  private SearchRoiParamMapper roiParamMapper;
  private SearchRoiPointMapper roiPointMapper;

  public void beforeClass() throws Exception{

    this.spring = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(CONFIG_LOCATION);
    this.masterMapper = this.spring.getBean("searchMasterMapper", SearchMasterMapper.class);
    this.detailMapper = this.spring.getBean("searchDetailMapper", SearchDetailMapper.class);
    this.roiMapper = this.spring.getBean("searchRoiMapper", SearchRoiMapper.class);
    this.roiParamMapper = this.spring.getBean("searchRoiParamMapper", SearchRoiParamMapper.class);
    this.roiPointMapper = this.spring.getBean("searchRoiPointMapper", SearchRoiPointMapper.class);

  public void afterClass(){ }

  private SearchRequest createAndPersistNewSearchReq(){

    this.detailMapper.insertSearchDetail(req.getId(), cctv);
    this.roiMapper.insertSearchRoi(req.getId(), cctv.getSystemId(), cctv.getId(), roi);

    for(Param param: roi.getParams()){
      this.roiParamMapper.insertSearchRoiParam(req.getId(), cctv.getSystemId(),
        cctv.getId(), roi.getNo(), param);
    for(Point pt: roi.getPoints()){
      this.roiPointMapper.insertSearchRoiPoint(req.getId(), cctv.getSystemId(),
        cctv.getId(), roi.getNo(), pt);

    return req;

  public void testProcess(){

    SearchRequest req = this.createAndPersistNewSearchReq();
    SearchTaskProcessor processor = this.spring.getBean(...);


    processor.process(req.getId(), "1", crtr);

In proxy mode
  • Log